A custom designed health plan to transform your body, mind, and spirit.

Join us for private or semi-private lessons in our new space on the Upper West Side! In person lessons have resumed for those who are fully vaccinated. We hope to resume home visits in Fall 2022.

If you prefer to practice on your own time, videos are available for streaming. Please email luminousbody@mac.com for more details.

LUMINOUSbody transforms health and fitness. We offer you a program of yoga, pilates, personal training or any blend of fitness styles that is right for you.

Our philosophy of teaching starts with a foundation of anatomy. We then build on this understanding to help you achieve your goals. Whether you are looking to handle stress, heal an injury, lose weight, or just stay in shape, we will motivate and guide you. Our teachers are knowledgeable in many forms of exercise and will meet with you at your convenience.

How does it work?

You will have an introductory session where we take your history and discuss what your goals are, then a teacher that is most suited to your fitness plan and personality will be chosen for you. You can make a standing appointment each week or make appointments on a week-to-week basis, at your home or office.

All appointments are one hour, though longer sessions can be made my special arrangement. Have a lesson all to yourself or choose a semi-private with a friend or spouse.